Network Security

CS 254 - Spring 2022

OverviewSchedule/ReadingsCourse Project

Schedule and Readings

Tentative Topics

Week 1

Mon, Jan 8 – [Lecture]

Wed, Jan 10 – Network Security 101 [Lecture]

Week 2

Mon, Jan 15 – No Class [MLK Day]

Wed, Jan 17 – Denial of Service [Lecture]

Week 3

Mon, Jan 22 – Denial of Service [Presentations]

Wed, Jan 24 – SSL/TLS [Lecture]


Week 4

Mon, Jan 29 – SSL/TLS [Presentations]

Wed, Jan 31 – Anonymity [Lecture]


Week 5

Mon, Feb 5 – Censorship [Presentations]

Wed, Feb 7 – Privacy [Lecture]


Week 6

Mon, Feb 12 – Tracking/Profiling [Presentations]

Wed, Feb 14 – Web Security [Lecture]


Week 7

Mon, Feb 19 – No Class [Presidents' Day]

Wed, Feb 21 – Midterm [Mandatory]


Week 8

Mon, Feb 26 – DNS Security [Presentations]

Wed, Feb 28 – Class Canceled

  • (EDC attending NDSS'24)


Week 9

Mon, Mar 4 – Cybercrime [Presentations]

Wed, Mar 6 – BGP Attacks [Presentations]


Week 10

Mon, Mar 11 – Project Presentations

  • TBA
  • TBA

Wed, Mar 13 – Project Presentations

  • TBA


NB: Most papers should be publicly accessible. If any links are broken, please search for them. If any of them require paid subscription, you can access them for free when connecting on campus. For off-campus access, try UCR VPN.

Paper Presentation Guidelines

Prepare a #TBA minutes presentation of the paper. Focus on the following: